
Training Sessions


Training Sessions

Training Sessions

Auric International Markets ’s training sessions include standard and tailored training sessions.

Our standard sessions include a comprehensive rundown on a specific topic, for example how to trade stocks on CommSec. Please contact us for a list of our standard training sessions.

We understand that many people that want to learn trading find it difficult to make a start and the abundance of information available online sometimes makes the learning process even harder. Auric International Markets ’s service is built to resolve this issue by providing tailored training sessions to resolve our clients’ specific questions such as:

Auric International Markets also offers tailored training sessions that are designed to address your specific questions. For example, if you would like to have a training session just on how to calculate and manage margin requirements, and how to calculate profits and losses, we will prepare training materials and conduct the training sessions to address your specific questions.

We offer training sessions both online and via face-to-face meetings. If conducted online, we utilise online conferencing tools to ensure an interactive training sessions. We provide our clients with a learning environment that is not as obsolete as traditional classrooms but that is specifically engineered to support thinking. We encourage feedback and questions from you to assist you learn better and quicker.

Please contact us if you would like to know more about our training program.

Auric International Markets Pty Ltd (ACN 158 618 234), holds an Australian financial services licence (AFSL No. 430091) is authorised to provide financial services to wholesale clients .

The information on this website has been prepared on this basis and is for use by such wholesale clients.